


    I was a research scientist in academia and conducted multiple scientific projects. My research centered on agricultural ecology and evolution of invasive species with a focus on population biology of natural enemies in pest management. I contributed to several pest management programs, including biological control of soybean aphids and cereal leaf beetles. I also studied the interspecific interactions between predators - pest insects (prey) - plant systems, and ecology and evolution in introduced biological control agents, all of which were very important topics for the development of the sustainable pest management in agricultural systems. I regularly collaborated with researchers from the other fields and applied modern experimental and analytical tools. I wrote multiple successful grants and my research resulted in 16 peer-reviewed papers and 1 book chapter. I was actively involved in national and international academic societies, and I organized multiple symposia at national and international meetings.


  1. Rapid evolution of a divergent ecogeographic cline in introduced lady beetles
  2. Eric M. O’Neill, Erik J. Hearn, Jessica M. Cogbill & Yukie Kajita

    Evolutionary Ecology volume 31, pages 695–705(2017)

  3. Predator efficiency reconsidered for a ladybird-aphid system
  4. Pavel Kindlmann, Hironori Yasuda, Yukie Kajita, Satoru Sato and Anthony F. G. Dixon

    Front. Ecol. Evol., 18 March 2015 |

  5. Do defensive chemicals facilitate intraguild predation and influence invasion success in ladybird beetles?
  6. Yukie Kajita, John J. Obrycki, John J. Sloggett, Edward W. Evans & Kenneth F. Haynes

    Journal of Chemical Ecology volume 40, pages1212–1219(2014)

  7. A population genetic signature of human releases in an invasive ladybeetle
  8. Yukie Kajita, Eric M. O'Neill, Yanbing Zheng, John J. Obrycki, David W. Weisrock

    Molecular Ecology 2012 |

  9. Evidence for utilization of Diptera in the diet of field-collected coccinellid larvae from an antibody-based detection system
  10. Susan E. Moser, Yukie Kajita, James D. Harwood, John J. Obrycki

    Biological Control, Volume 58, Issue 3, September 2011, Pages 248-254

  11. Sugar feeding by coccinellids under field conditions: the effects of sugar sprays in soybean
  12. Michael P. Seagraves, Yukie Kajita, Donald C. Weber, John J. Obrycki & Jonathan G. Lundgren

    BioControl volume 56, pages 305–314(2011)

  13. Alfalfa fields promote high reproductive rate of an invasive predatory lady beetle
  14. Yukie Kajita & Edward W. Evans

    Biological Invasions volume 12, pages 2293–2302(2010)

  15. Intraspecific alkaloid variation in ladybird eggs and its effects on con- and heterospecific intraguild predators
  16. Yukie Kajita, J. J. Obrycki, J. J. Sloggett & K. F. Haynes

    Oecologia volume 163, pages 313–322 (2010)

  17. Relationships of body size, fecundity, and invasion success among predatory lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) inhabiting alfalfa fields
  18. Yukie Kajita, Edward W. Evans

    Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Volume 103, Issue 5, 1 September 2010, Pages 750–756 |

  19. Ovarian dynamics and oosorption in two species of predatory lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
  20. Yukie Kajita, Edward W. Evans

    Physiological Entomology, 14 May 2009

  21. Reproductive responses of invasive and native predatory lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to varying prey availability
  22. Y. Kajita, E. W. Evans, H. Yasuda

    Environmental Entomology, Volume 38, Issue 4, 1 August 2009, Pages 1283–1292 |

  23. Effects of native ladybirds on oviposition of the exotic species, Adalia bipunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Japan
  24. Yukie Kajita, Hironori Yasuda, Edward W. Evans

    Applied Entomology and Zoology, 2006 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 57-61 |

  25. Interactions between introduced and native predatory ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): factors influencing the success of species introductions
  26. Yukie Kajita Fumiyo Takano Hironori Yasuda Edward W. Evans

    Ecological Entomology, 07 March 2006 |

  27. Field test of the effectiveness of ladybirds in controlling aphids
  28. Pavel KINDLMANN, Hironori YASUDA, Yukie KAJITA, Anthony F.G. DIXON

    In: Hoddle MS (ed) Second International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods pages 441–447 (2005)

  29. Asymmetric larval interactions between introduced and indigenous ladybirds in North America
  30. Hironori Yasuda, Edward W. Evans, Yukie Kajita, Keiko Urakawa & Tadashi Takizawa

    Oecologia volume 141, pages722–731(2004)

  31. Effects of indigenous ladybird species (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on the survival of exotic species in relation to prey abundance
  32. Yukie Kajita, Fumiyo Takano, Hironori Yasuda, Basant K. Agarwala

    Applied Entomology and Zoology, 2000 年 35 巻 4 号 p. 473-479 |

    Copyright © 2020 Yukie Kajita